Teemu Barracuda Roster

20 01 2009

Anthony “nibblenibble” Tibaldi

Ian “munchmunchfood” Pappel

Dagny “chommp” Soo Hon

Nicki “themasticater” Kennedy

Michelle “The Iron Lotus” Bellefontaine

My Pecha Kucha on Youtube.

20 04 2009

Dagny’s final Pecha Kucha finally.

20 04 2009

my pecha kucha:


Missing Sound Files- Nicki

9 04 2009

Hi Professor,

I know you told us to put the slams on our blog, but my sound files are only on the usb key that I’ve handed in to you already. Since I recorded my narration on a different computer and the sound files were incompatible with my computer I don’t have them available to me anymore. So I tried to make things easier for you to access, but the usb key that you have is basically the only way to get all the files in one place. Sorry if this inconveniences you. Let me know if you have problems getting everything to work and I can figure something out..



8 04 2009


30 03 2009


A pecha-kucha entitled “graffitappropriation” by Ian “munchmunchfood” Pappel and Anthony “nibblenibble” Tibaldi.


20 03 2009

Hey Michelle,  that’s a sweet name you’ve got there!

Also, what’s everyone doing thier Pecha Kucha project on? Jus curious.



17 03 2009

Which reading was on appropriation? Was that barthes?

Childrens Museum Artists

17 03 2009


This is for Nicki or anyone else. These are the names of artists that appropriated Warhol’s work that were at the children’s museum. David La Chapelle – Marilyns, Ray Belder, Stephen Kaufman- Cambell’s soup II Chicken Noodle, Jen Gough – 4 Anonymous talking heads, David Okum – Oprah and Factory Grill. Hope this helps.


Museum Works

15 03 2009

hi kids,
could you help me out…
i had to work the day you guys went to the kid’s museum and i know that we have to include a work appropriated by someone other than warhol that was included in the exhibit. does anyone remember the names of artists or their pieces that i could use for my slam?
– nicki
ps. i don’t care what anyone says, our presentation was bang on.

Class Activity!

12 03 2009

Use these pictures to construct a warhol-inspired image.
